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Authorization Middleware


The AuthorizationMiddleware class is responsible for checking if a user has the necessary roles to access a certain page or perform a certain action. It is used in conjunction with the AuthenticationMiddleware to ensure that a user is logged in before checking their authorization.


To use the AuthorizationMiddleware, simply call the handle method and pass in an array of roles that are allowed to access the page or perform the action. For example:

AuthorizationMiddleware::handle(['admin', 'editor']);

This code will check if the logged in user has either the admin or editor role before allowing access. If the user does not have one of these roles, they will be redirected to an error page with a 403 status code.

Code Explanation

The handle method takes in an array of roles as its parameter. It first calls the AuthenticationMiddleware::handle() method to ensure that the user is logged in. Then, it checks if the user's role is included in the provided array of roles. If it is not, the user is redirected to an error page with a 403 status code.

Here is a breakdown of the code:

class AuthorizationMiddleware 
    public static function handle($roles)

        if (!in_array($_SESSION['USER']->role, $roles)) {
  • The handle method is a static method, which means it can be called without creating an instance of the AuthorizationMiddleware class.
  • The $roles parameter is an array of roles that are allowed to access the page or perform the action.
  • The AuthenticationMiddleware::handle() method is called to ensure that the user is logged in.
  • The in_array function is used to check if the user's role is included in the provided array of roles.
  • If the user's role is not included in the array of allowed roles, the redirect function is called to redirect the user to an error page with a 403 status code. The exit function is called to stop the execution of the script.